Friday, May 21, 2010

First post - My first 40k experiences

Good day everyone,

Here it is, my very first post that I hope will only be the beginning to much much more. I have started with 40k already a few years back. I purchased a second hand necron army off of ebay.
I was really please with the army once I received it since only a few models were painted and to a good standard.
The painted models were one Monolith, 2 Heavy destroyers and 2 destroyers.
Here is the monolith:

I finished the 3rd Heavy destroyer to fit the squad, here is the complete squad:

Now for the squads I painted myself in this army, here is the first warrior squad with a Necron Lord.

another squad shot
The Lord by himself

And now for my first true modeling test, here is my second monolith. The idea behind the paint scheme is to have two batallions of necrons on the table representing opposites (a little like the Yin and the Yang)
So here is the shot:

I believe this is a big enough post for my first. Please be back for some updates concerning my Tyranid Hive Fleet